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David Campbell (1974 - 1980)

Dear Mr Livingston
What an absolute thrill to be able to look through the webpages of my old school.
I was a pupil at Elmgrove from 1974-80; my brother Stephen was too. We lived at that time in Kensington Avenue, off the Bloomfield Road.
It was really super to look all through the pages and to see and try to remember the names and faces of friends long forgotten.
I remember especially Karen McCambley (David's sister), Anya Shields and Lesley Rafferty who went on with me and others to Grosvenor - and in one of the saddest moments of my then short life, the Govan's - Mark, John and Clive who emigrated to Australia (everyone seemed to emigrate in those days!) when I was in Ms MacBride's P6 class in 1978-1979. I seen to remember Mr McCallion playing the didgeridoo! I remember too the concerts - I am the rather sheepish looking boy on the right in the back row of the top 1976 Concert photo - and the great field trip to Ballycastle Youth Hostel. 
After Grosvenor I went on to St Andrews and Edinburgh Universities and have just completed my doctorate from Liverpool. I am currently working as a priest in the Scottish Episcopal Church in Dunfermline.
I have such happy memories of Elmgrove, but among the funniest looking back was that gentle giant Dr Hunter who was a liberal man but who wouldn't hesitate to give the cane if people weren't singing the hymns in Assembly!!
Happy days indeed.
Maybe others of  my vintage have similar memories?
All good wishes

