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Louise Oliver (1982 - 1989)

Just browsing through the site and recognised myself in some of the photos! The girls playing with the elastic bands around their legs in the playground, mid to late 80's section are, blue shorts-Caroline Cree, pink shorts Janette Stewart, grey skirt- Sharon McCormick and me in the white skirt-Louise Oliver. I'm not sure who the girl in the white shorts is though. Hope this helps!

My elder brother, (who also attended Elmgrove) found the site just from browsing the net, and said he THOUGHT he recognised me on it!!!So I took a look for myself and there were all my old school pals! It does look as though most of the children playing were from the same class, and I think it was Miss McBride's P7 class which would have been '88/'89. There are a few faces I don't recognise though, and I'm sure some of them were the year below us. I vaguely remember, and I mean vaguely, we had photos taken to show games that were played years ago, (hence the hoop, as my mum assures me they used to play this in school and I don't ever remember chasing a hoop around the palyground on a normal day..) I can't remember if it was for a newspaper article or for a magazine on 'past times', but it was for something along those lines.
I also notice in the photos of the Christmas concert 1982 page 2, 6th picture down, this was when I was in P1 had had my big debut as an angel..(my only acting role..) from the left of the picture the person you can just see I think is Lisa Jones, next is Julie Wark, Janette Stewart and me just beside the manger, and the angel at the right of the photo is Caroline Cree.
I don't mind at all if my details are added to the former pupils letters, it's a very interesting site, keep up the good work!

Louise Megrath (nee Oliver)

