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New Wing at Infant School (Written by pupils)

In 1976 - one wing of our very find school building was destroyed in a fire. the pupils were very sad and angry then but some good did come out of this dreadful event. In 1984 a fine new wing which cost almost £250,000 was built and now we have the finest and most up to date infant classrooms in Belfast. we really are very proud of them!
The building is designed in such a way that each classroom opens into a communal play area which is complete with a marvellous selection of toys and play things. Our P1, P2 and P3 pupils really do enjoy school. Each of the play areas open into the playground which is very good in fine weather and of course is very safe because pupils do not need to walk around the corridors to get in and out of the school. 
Many visitors come to see our special building from time to time. we think D.r Hunter would allow anyone to come and visit the school.

Article written by pupils

Page created 03.07.02