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Orchestra 1992 - 1993

I have received an email from Claira McMinn who thinks the picture is 1992 / 1993. She has managed to supply most of the names but if you can name anybody in these photos contact the school.
Danielle Chamber and Laurie McKibben confirm this and supplied further names.
Back row L - R: Mark Walsh, James Watson, Lee Kemp, Gary Baine, Phillip Pollock, Maurice Hawkes, Stuart Magowan
3rd row : Kerry Shaw, Gillian McKee, Gillian Taylor, Michelle Knox, Sara Girvin, Claira McMinn, Donna Gray, Tanya Watson
2nd row : Paul McNarry, Graham Ewing, ?, Kevin Myles, Ivan Girvan, Philip Woods, Colin Brennan, ?, Andrew Coulter
Front row : James Moffat, Danielle Chambers, Laurie McKibben, Amanda Nelson, Kerry Toe, Lisa Greenhalgh, Gareth Welsh

