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Staff Photo c.1974 - 1979

Staff c.1974 - 1979

Mrs. McCullough was kind enough to lend this photo. The range of years it might be from is narrowed as Ivan Jess became principal of Dundonald Primary c.1978-79. Mrs. Chambers is also in it helping put an earliest date.
Front Row : Winnie Neill, Helen Sinfield, J. Holmes, M. Dickson, J.Downey, M.Andrews, Dr. J. Hunter, I. Jess, H. Simpson, M. McBride, W. Grant, N. Blevings, M.Thompson.
Back Row : M. cole, M. Lappin, E. Manson, B. Jeffers, C. Knox, P. Dempsey, R. Foster, J. Martin (Archibald), H. Crothers (Chambers), R. McVicker, E. Wilson, Will McCallion


