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Virtual Sports Week

Virtual Sports Week

Over the past few months the staff at Disability Sport NI have been working hard to stay connected with groups, schools, organisations and individuals to support them to stay active while staying at home.  With that in mind we have put together a resource specifically to support Schools and Learning Support Centres across NI to deliver a Virtual Sports Week. 

It’s simple - from the links below you can access 5 recorded sports day challenges, one for each day of our Virtual Sports Week.  Each challenge has been designed to be inclusive and coaches outline a range of ways to adapt the activity to suit each pupils ability.

We would love to hear if you have used the resource and whether your pupils enjoyed themselves so please drop us an email to let us know how it went at the end of the week, if you wish to do so.  There is no requirement to send us any pictures if you use the videos to run your own Virtual Sports Week but if you would like us to share any that you have permission to use on Disability Sport NI’s social media we would be more than happy to do so.  You can send these to or tag us in your own posts on Facebook or @DSNI_tweets


Please have fun, stay active and we can’t wait to see you again, when we can.

Monday The Speed Bounce Video

Tuesday The Sprint Video

Wednesday Target Game Video

Thursday Long Jump

Friday Slalom Race Video
