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Youth Hostelling 1981

Youth Hostelling 1981

Steven and I went to interview Mr. Simpson who is in charge of Youth Hostelling trips and was leader of the School Youth Club.
The first Youth Hostelling trip was in 1973 in Spring, when they went to Whitepark Bay. Five teachers and twenty five pupils went. Over the years the Youth Hostelling group have gone to Kinahalla, Ballcastle, Mourne Mountains, Ballygally near Larne, Cushendall and Moneycort. Mr. Simpson said "I liked Whitepark Bay because of the scenery." The Youth Hostel group mainly walked. The children's duties were to wash dishes and keep the Hostel clean. The most worrying moment Mr. Simpson had was when two boys got lost orienteering in Glenarm Forest. Fortunately they were able to find the main party before nightfall. Mr. Simpson had three amusing moments. One of these was when Miss McBride used the emergency supply of water to bathe her feet at the top of Helen's Mountain. Another was when a boy complained about smashed potatoes and said, "I only eat roast potatoes." He was asked to peel potatoes for everyone. Finally a boy fell into Dunseverick harbour. He was pulled out none the worse for wear and the only problem was how to get his wet clothes dried.



Above : far left Julie Agnew, Angela Caldwell. Red coat :Angela McKeown Pink coat :Jacqueline McCord Blue coat to right of Miss Thompson: Arlene Powell, Nicola Allen, Nicola Bell and David Campbell behind.
The teacher to the left of Miss Thompson is Linda Kirk.
Below left : Girl in rock pool is Laura Brown.

Following an open day on Friday 08.06.01 it has been confirmed that another set of pcitures on the web site are also of the same trip. The pictures are below.
The ginger haired girl getting into the car is Joanne Galbraith.

Youth Club

The Youth Club started in Elmgrove in 1978. It catered for Primary pupils and first form from Orangefield and Grosvenor. The children met on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6.30pm to 9.00pm. The activties the children took part in were snooker, Art and Craft, Snakes and Ladders etc. It closed because the Education and Library Board was unable to appoint suitably qualified leaders when some of the leaders retired in 1982.


Page created 16.02.00 Updated 03.07.02
