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Meet the Governors


Every grant aided school in Northern Ireland is managed by a Board of Governors. With a few exceptions, a school’s Board of Governors is normally made up of members who represent the interests of:

  • Those who originally founded the school, known as transferor governors;
  • Those who fund the education system – these governors are appointed by the Education

Authority and/or DE to represent the public or tax payer’s interest, known as ELB and/or
DE governors;

  • Parents of registered pupils at the school, known as parent governors; and
  • Teachers on the staff of the school, known as teacher governors.

The Board of Governors delegates the day to day running of the school to the Principal. The Principal is a non-voting member of the Board of Governors because it is considered that to be a voting member would compromise her position as the head professional adviser to the governing body. Instead, the Principal acts as Honorary Secretary to the Board of Governors

Mr Jason Nicholson - Deputy Designated Governor for Child Protection
Vice Chairperson
Mr Neville McCormack - Deputy Designated Governor for Child Protection
EA Representatives
Dr David Bell
Miss Linda Dawson - Designated Governor for Child Protection

Transferor Representatives
Mr William Moore

Teachers' Representative
Mrs Lisa Parsons

Parents' Representative
Mr Jason Nicholson  (Chairperson)
Mrs Claire Copeland

Ms Pauline Russell