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School of Sanctuary

Elmgrove Primary School has been awarded School of Sanctuary status.

Mrs Jeffers, Miss Maxwell and some of our children attended a ceremony on 21st September to receive our award from Mr Tommy O'Reilly (Deputy Secretary at Department of Education). 

What is a School of Sanctuary?


A School of Sanctuary is a school that is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for all, especially those seeking sanctuary. This could be people whose lives were in danger in their own country, who have troubles at home or are just looking for a space of safety.


A School of Sanctuary is a school that helps its students, staff and wider community understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary and to extend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of the school community. It is a school that is proud to be a place of safety and inclusion for all.


There are three simple principles to being a School of Sanctuary:


  • Learn about what it means to be seeking sanctuary.
  • Take positive action to embed concepts of welcome, safety and inclusion within your school and the wider community.
  • Share your vision and achievements – be proud!

How did we achieve our School of Sanctuary award?
