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P4-P5 Badminton

The badminton club will begin on Tuesday 18th September. The club is open to P4-P5 boys and girls. During the club the children will develop fitness levels, techniques for traveling and stretching as well as developing co-ordination and balance.

Pupils should wear trainers. The maximum number for the club is 25. If more than 25 pupils wish to attend, selection will be by ballot. Pupils will be required to wear their PE kit.

Notes should be returned by Wednesday 5th September.

Successful pupils will be notified on Monday 12th September by ticket.

The dates for the club are as follows:

18/9, 25/9, 2/10, 9/10, 16/10

The time is 3-4pm

As there will be no patrolman on duty please make suitable going-home arrangements with your child from the Elmgrove site.

