Home Page

Year 7

Welcome to Year 7!


The teachers in Year 7 are Mrs Mace, Miss Herron, Miss Rooney and Mr Pollock. There are lots of exciting learning activities happening in P7. Our topics for the World Around Us this year will be: The Victorians, The Titanic, The Irish Famine and What's the Issue. The pupils will have lots of opportunities for independent research and to build their creative skills using iPads.


Keep checking back for examples of our fantastic work!

P7 Mrs McConville made Christmas cards



We have homework four times a week:


Monday - maths homework

Tuesday - literacy homework

Wednesday - maths homework

Thursday - Learning homework and preparation for Friday challenge 


As well as our daily times tables, nightly reading and spellings.


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know!

Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
